MAEK Consulting had been involved in several mold infestation cases recently involving commercial and residential buildings.  Inspections was conducted to determine extent of issue and essentially, to determine the source and causes of the infestation. Analysis will be conducted on surrounding air quality, design and construction of the ventilation and infiltration system. This will provide a better

Various aspects of the surrounding areas and potential causation was looked into, this includes air quality, design and construction of the ventilation and infiltration system. Analysis of the readings will be conducted to

After the causation of the mold infestation has been identified, remediation works will be conducted. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) test will be conducted to ensure the space has been cleared of mold and are back to normal background levels of mold activity.

Some of the testing methods used for quality assurance are Tape lift, Spore Trap and Mycometer. Each method has their own standards and stringent limits to abide to. We also worked closely with experienced microbiologists, allowing us to conduct mould identification, microscopy and measurement techniques.

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