St George’s Church

Location: Minden Road, Singapore

History:  St George’s Church has a long history since early 1900s and is known for its distinct brick façade. Constructed between 1910 to 1913, it started out as a church for the British troops located near the Tanglin Barracks- once the General Headquarters of the British Far East Land Forces. During the World War II, the church was used as an ammunition depot. After the war, it became a civilian church after being transferred to the Anglican Diocese of Singapore.

Architectural Design: Romanesque architectural

Scope of Work: We were engaged to for 3 main works; material consultancy, timber roof truss assessment and facade investigation.

For the timber roof truss assessment, the condition of these structural members was determined through various testing methods. Non-destructive tests such as timber Resistograph was conducted to measure the presence of cracks and defects found within the timber truss.

Brick work investigation was conducted to the façade of the building.

Different types and design of doors and windows were recorded and proper repair method was advised for the restoration works. As the doors and windows are to be conserved, convectional repair methods may not be applicable for all and proper restoration methods were recommended for the works. Ironmongeries attached to the windows and doors were restored and re-attached to the newly-restored doors and windows.

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