Workshop Programme for Building Defects Diagnosis

Objective of Training

The primary objective of this training is to impart the foundation to recognize the various visual symptoms of common problems in building materials and components as outlined herein. The training will cover some basic tools which every inspector should be equipped with as part of the maintenance inspection process, including sampling and documentation. Introduction to advanced analytical and diagnostic techniques will be given for better appreciation but by no means exhaustive as these require specialist’s works. Ample case studies of failures with photographic records will be shared with hand samples where practical.

It is not the intent of or possible for this series of training to turn every trainee into “experts” in failure analysis. Rather, it is envisaged that every participant should walk away with a much better understanding on the common failures encountered in his/her work, how the defects can be recorded and at the very least able to perform his/her own initial analysis of the likely problem.  The content will include:

  1. Common types of failures- their symptoms and significance
  2. Case studies of past failures and recommended solutions
  3. Methods of and tools for inspection of building defects including recommended documentation process (with the introduction of an advanced diagnostic technique for general appreciation)

Training methodology

  1. Webinar
  2. Workshop


Workshop Leader and Trainers:

Wong Chung Wan, Director

Foo Chin Peng, Manager

Tang Hui Shan Ryanne, Senior Consultant

Workshop Modules Brief Outlines